About Research Interest Groups (RIGs)
The Vision
It has been a long-standing vision for members of CESI to establish disciplinary and thematic Research Interest Groups (RIGs) to decentralize the academic activities and provide impetus for the growth of comparative educational studies in India. RIGs aim to strengthen the academic rigour and vibrancy of CESI and help realize CESI’s objective of building communities of scholars of education in India. In the tenth year of the post CESI revival, we embark on setting up these networks to encourage academic collaborations among its members. The RIGs will promote contemporary educational discourses and research within each of its purview to envisage and plan its future directions too.
It has been a long-standing vision for members of CESI to establish disciplinary and thematic Research Interest Groups (RIGs) to decentralize the academic activities and provide impetus for the growth of comparative educational studies in India. RIGs aim to strengthen the academic rigour and vibrancy of CESI and help realize CESI’s objective of building communities of scholars of education in India. In the tenth year of the post CESI revival, we embark on setting up these networks to encourage academic collaborations among its members. The RIGs will promote contemporary educational discourses and research within each of its purview to envisage and plan its future directions too.
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Structure and Organisation of RIGs:
Following shall be the structure and organization of RIGs. These norms will be revised in due course by the CESI EC.
Roles and Responsibilities of RIG conveners:
- To provide a platform to build academic networks among researchers/scholars having common interest in specific themes of research.
- To build and promote diverse theme-based research/academic communities that aim to transform theory and practice with alternative imaginations and discourses.
- To develop a fora for critical exchange of ideas, intellectual dialogue/debate significant to specializations in educational studies.
- To promote new research and mentoring/facilitating young research scholars.
- To create space for collaborative research opportunities among national and international researchers/scholars/experts in the field of comparative educational studies. 6. To streamline and decentralize academic work for the Annual CESI conferences and provide direction to the conference sessions
- RIGs may organize disciplinary/thematic conferences, seminars, workshops, round table discussions, reading groups, special lectures, scholars meet, panel discussions, alone or in collaboration with other RIGs/educational institutions.
- RIGs may plan and produce publication of edited volumes/books. The publications emerging out of RIGs will have to duly acknowledge CESI.
- RIG conveners will have to hold annual/mid-term meetings with the members to discuss prospects, growth, and progress of the group. Conveners may also discuss and update members with the upcoming activities/events. These meetings and discussions may be organized during the annual CESI conferences, through email groups or by convening special meetings.
- All new RIG members need to fill in and submit a form available on the CESI website.
- Membership to RIGs will be restricted to only two groups at a time.
- Only Life Members of CESI will be eligible to become members of RIGs.
- Life members can take membership in RIGs on payment of Rs 1000/- valid for five years.
- The membership fees of RIGs shall be paid directly to CESI.
Bank Name: CANARA BANK Address: Lajpat Nagar Branch, New Delhi
Account no- 0341101073331,
IFSC Code: CNRB0000341 Ph.no: 24698372
- Convenors are expected to submit a proposal for every event they organise to the RIG Coordinator which then will be presented to the EC. Once the EC approves the proposal, the convenors will be informed by the RIG coordinator to take it forward.
- Every RIG event needs to be informed to the CESI members via email by the RIG Coordinator/General Secretary. Posters/proposal for the events to be mailed to the RIG Coordinator by the convenors for uploading on the website and circulating to the CESI members.
- Each RIG will receive a maximum of 70 percent of the registration fee collected from members for any activities it organizes. CESI EC, through the RIG Coordinator, retains the authority to allocate grants for the respective RIG events.
- The RIG conveners need to send the statement of accounts of the income and expenditure to CESI annually to fulfill CESI’s auditing procedures.
Structure and Organisation of RIGs:
Following shall be the structure and organization of RIGs. These norms will be revised in due course by the CESI EC.
- Each RIGs will have one convener and one co-convener.
- The tenure of the convener and the co-convener will be initially for five years after the launch of RIGs. New norms for the tenure and nomination/election of the convener and co-convener will be formulated by the RIG members and the CESI General Body.
- Convener and the co-convener should have adequate expertise in the area of specialization.
- The convener and co-convener of a RIG should be a life member of CESI for at least five years. However, the final decision on the life membership of the conveners /co-conveners will be taken by the EC members.
- A person can be convener and co-convener of only one RIG at a time. Once the tenure is over, the convener and the co-convener can be either re-elected/ re-nominated in the same RIG or can be elected/nominated in any other RIG.
- A RIG convener and co-convener can hold their office continuously only for two consecutive terms in the same RIG.
- RIG convener and co-convener will be elected/nominated by the RIG members. In the launching year of RIGs, they are to be nominated by the CESI EC on an interim basis.
- There will be an overall RIGs Coordinator with a tenure of five years to facilitate the initial establishment of the groups. The CESI-EC shall nominate the RIGs coordinator from among the elected EC members. The coordinator provides academic and logistical support to the RIG office bearers and acts as mediator between the EC members and the convener of RIGs for any important matters and decisions.
Roles and Responsibilities of RIG conveners:
- Conveners shall provide a short write up on their respective RIGs that will be uploaded on the CESI website. The write ups shall reflect the vision and the academic scope of the RIGs. The idea is to encourage and motivate young scholars/researchers/experts to join and participate actively in the diverse activities of the group and strengthen its intellectual growth.
- Conveners shall provide academic leadership in organizing/coordinating their RIG specific sessions in the annual CESI conferences. All the abstracts/papers related to the concerned RIGs will be sent to the respective conveners (a RIG email can be created by conveners where the abstract/papers can be sent directly). The conveners can form their own academic committee for the screening of abstracts and scheduling theme-based sessions in the annual CESI conferences.
- Conveners shall present a yearly report of their RIG activities and its progress in the annual conferences of CESI.
CESI RIG Policy for holding any RIG events:
- RIG conveners/co-conveners to prepare a proposal and send it to the CESI RIG coordinator/CESI General Secretary so that EC approval can be taken.
- Create a poster of the event and make sure the CESI logo and name of the RIG is there (whether a RIG event or an event done in collaboration with CESI RIG)
- If the RIG is organised online, then the link needs to be generated from the CESI domain. Contact the CESI IT person for that. IT person's number is: 7011651546. If it is a collaborative event, then it is not a mandate to generate the link from the CESI domain.
- The poster needs to be uploaded on the website in the section titled RIG upcoming events. CESI IT person to be contacted for the same.
- Conveners to send relevant details of the event/poster to the RIG coordinator to circulate a mail to all the CESI life and annual members. Posters need to be circulated in the EC/RIG groups for wider circulation.
- Please note the events are not restricted to CESI Life and Annual members, it can be open for all.